press Releases
November 17, 2023
ASAP Tickets has released new market research, revealing the main reasons for travel in 2023. 63% of air travelers say they go abroad to visit friends and relatives. Over one-half (60%) do it once or twice a year, and the majority (55%) prefer to travel together with one or several family members.
Purpose of Travel
When it comes to the main reasons for traveling, the survey shows that visiting friends and relatives is the most popular response for 62.92% of customers. 10.06% prefer exploring new cities and sightseeing (9.27%), but 6.71% say they fly abroad for business arrangements or to enjoy a beach vacation (5.13%). Male travelers visit foreign countries for work purposes more often (7.64%) than women (5.63%), while female passengers typically prefer leisure trips. Almost one-third, or 27.7% of female travelers, fly overseas to explore new cities, do sightseeing and indulge in beach vacations. Among men, only 22.57% or roughly one in every five respondents travel for a leisure vacation.

Frequency of Travel
With the travel volumes exceeding pre-pandemic levels throughout 2023, for many people traveling is again an integral part of their everyday lives. According to travel habits research, 59.53% of passengers travel by air one to two times a year. One in every three travelers (28.49%) does it once in several years. Meanwhile, for 9.82% of all respondents, quarterly travel is a must, and only 2.16% do it regularly on a monthly basis. The survey also reveals that men turn out to be more active air travelers compared to women. Over 76% of them go abroad at least once a year, while among female passengers 65% travel one or several times annually.
Company for Travel
According to the survey, over half (55.60%) of Asaptickets customers travel together with their family members or other relatives. One-third of them (30.65%) are dedicated solo travelers who prefer to explore the world on their own or travel alone for work. 8.84% reveal they usually have friends accompanying them, and only 2.55% of the respondents have answered to go abroad with their coworkers. In comparison, male travelers are more open to traveling solo (33.91%) instead of going abroad with friends (6.92%). However, female travelers say that 11.68% of them prefer going abroad in friends’ company. On average only one in every four women (26.64%) chose to fly on their own.

Methodology: Research conducted by Asaptickets and conducted among adults who have traveled for business or leisure in the past 12 months using Asap Tickets and Skylux Travel agency services in the United States and Canada. In total, more than 1,000 respondents aged 18 and above.