Co-Workers Wanting Unselfish High-Performers to Be More Assertive

There are talented, skilled, productive employees who prefer psychological safety with their coworkers. They value likability, trust and respect. They may excel but they don’t want to do too much and risk offending and alienating with whom they work. If their coworkers would welcome them being a bigger part of success, getting that to happen may not be easy.

Two recent articles detailing this type of situation are the inspiration for this feature. The employees being discussed in those stories were arguably too unselfish, to the detriment of their co-workers and the organization.

The people quoted emphasized the need for assertiveness in showcasing one’s gifts, skills, productivity, and abilities, encouraging others to strive for excellence for overall success.

Read what  Armine Pogosyan, IT HR Director at the Dyninno Group, says here

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