Trevolution Group Hits New Heights with over 86,780 Airline Tickets Sold to and from India in 2023

Trevolution Group, the prominent global market leader behind brands such as Asap Tickets Skylux Travel, Dreamport, and Oojo, has announced remarkable achievements in the travel sector. In 2023, the group reported a staggering sale of over 86,780 airline tickets to and from India, marking a significant milestone in airfare sales. This achievement underscores a stable growth of 17% compared to the previous year, totaling a gross booking of 143 million USD. Notably, this constitutes over 12% of the group’s total gross profit for the year, crossing the billion-dollar mark for the first time in its history.

These impressive figures position India as one of the top four leading destinations for international airline passengers, encompassing both leisure and business tourism, as well as the burgeoning visiting-friends-and-relatives (VFR) segment.

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